Love Scars | Chapter 1 Where Home was

PRINCE'S POV I didn't know what day of the week it was. With alcohol, cocaine, and naked women the days blurred together. Memories are an incomprehensible swirl of events. God, I reeked of sex. A strange woman lay beside me in bed. It must have been during my binge that I met her. Her hair spread out in several directions, creating a halo-like effect. The way she looked was as if she was an angel who had fallen, losing her grace. For a while, I searched around the bed for my phone. I squinted my eyes shut at the blinding light. Six thirty pm. I called my twin brother, Lucas. My ears rang with the sound of the phone. I contemplated whether I should bang my head against the headboard. The sound of Lucas's voice came through the phone. "Why the hell are you calling?" His greeting could have been warmer. "I need you." My voice was hoarse, and words came out with a sandpaper feeling in my throat. On days like this, self-loathing seems to come in waves....