LOVE SCARS | Chapter 7 Birthday getaway
Being in a place like this made me feel like a dad in the tampon aisle. Theodore fell into this place seamlessly, going through each shelf with steadfast determination. The walls were lined with games and every kind of system. Each section was divided by genre and age demographic. When I was Theo's age, I never picked up a video game preserving rolled-up dollar bills and doing lines of coke off some hooker's ass. Comparing my youth to Theodore's was like comparing water to oil. How Lucas and I lived our younger days would put the devil to shame. We became the main reason our father kept a firm hand on Theodore, keeping him as sheltered as possible for as long as possible, ethics be damned. The poor kid had to live the way our papa wanted Lucas and me too. Once he realized he couldn't get us to abide by his rules, he became fixated on getting Theodore to. Sorry, Theo, you have to deal with a bitter old man like our father. "What kind of game is Resident Evil?...